Welcome !!!
Welcome to Setohe
Flexibility is one of our main qualities. With Quality we manufacture, design, do product engineering, manage projects and generate value for our clients.
We manufacture furniture and equipment for Hotels, Offices, Homes, Points of Sale, Restaurants, Bank Branches, Corners, Display, Food Courts, Interior Design, among others.
Our team collaborates with our clients in each project with responsibility and efficiency.
More than 50 years of experience.


We have a wide experience in furniture for hotels of all categories.

Restaurants & Food Courts

In this area we manufacture furniture for food courts, restaurants, waiting rooms, recreational areas, among others.
We have participated at airports from different cities like Guadalajara, Acapulco, Tijuana, Monterrey, Culiacán.

Displays, Corners, Points of Sale

Our Production plant allows us to meet the needs of our clients.
The state of the art machinery and human capital we have, makes our furniture the best in the market.


We have the necessary infrastructure and talents to guarantee that your projects are a success.

Interior Design and Home Line

In this area we find bedrooms, dining rooms, bookshelves, entertainment centers, occasional tables and bars designed with a contemporary style that adjusts to the taste and sensitivity of the market.

Development and Solution for your Projects

- Project management
- Industrial design
- Product engineering
- Interior design
- Materials, Colors & Textures
We develop Custom Projects ...
Each project has different characteristics, needs, designs and materials.
That is why our service philosophy allows us to add value throughout the entire process.
From design offer, product engineering, value engineering, production, efficiencies, storage, among other things.
Our productive capacity in conjunction with our CAD software tools, post processors for numerical control machines, product engineering and our team of collaborators allows us to work with the highest quality and service standards to be able to meet the needs of our different customers.

We have different production plants that allow us to satisfy the needs of our customers.
The machinery with state-of-the-art technology and human capital that we have makes our furniture the best on the market.

Setohe, Sa de Cv
contacto@setohe.com Tel: +52 55 5822-2954
Contact us
A member of our team will contact you shortly.
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En Setohe, Sa de Cv, respetamos su privacidad y nos comprometemos a proteger sus datos personales conforme a la Ley Federal de Protección de Datos Personales en Posesión de los Particulares (LFPDPPP). La información que recopilamos es utilizada para mejorar nuestra relación con usted, ofrecerle productos y servicios personalizados, procesar sus pedidos y mantenerle informado sobre novedades, promociones y eventos que pudieran ser de su interés.
Conforme a lo dispuesto por la LFPDPPP, usted tiene derecho a acceder, rectificar, cancelar u oponerse al tratamiento de sus datos personales. Asimismo, puede limitar el uso o divulgación de su información y revocar su consentimiento en cualquier momento. Para ejercer estos derechos, le invitamos a enviar una solicitud por escrito a nuestro departamento de privacidad, a través del correo electrónico setohe@gmail.com Responderemos a su solicitud en los plazos establecidos por la ley y tomaremos las medidas necesarias para proteger sus derechos.
En Setohe, Sa de Cv, estamos comprometidos con la seguridad de su información. Aplicamos medidas de seguridad físicas, electrónicas y de gestión para proteger sus datos personales contra cualquier acceso no autorizado o alteración. Este aviso de privacidad es revisado y actualizado regularmente para asegurar el cumplimiento con la legislación vigente y nuestras prácticas internas. Cualquier modificación será publicada en nuestro sitio web, por lo que le recomendamos revisarlo periódicamente.